Vigneshwaran Ravichandran



manpageblog released in version 1.2 (2023-11-22):
manpageblog just got released in version 1.2 Version 1.2 comes along with several bug fixes and some new features. Features * Add Twitter card support * Add dynamic favicon support * Add apple-touch favicon support * Add grey-scale theme Fixes * Fixed missing language type in html element Now, you can start blogging. More information can be found on manpageblog . Download : manpageblog .... [read more]

manpageblog is now in the 1MB Club (2023-11-21):
manpageblog is now part of the 1MB Club , a collection of performance-focused web pages. The 1MB Club is a growing collection of performance-focused web pages weighing less than 1 megabyte. Therefore, the goal is to get back to slim and performant but also content rich web pages again. About the 1MB Club The internet has become a bloated mess. Massive JavaScript libraries. Countless client-side queries. Overly complex frontend frameworks. But we can make a difference - no matter how small it may seem. 1MB Club is a growing collection of performance-focused web pages found across the internet. All member websites weigh less than 1 megabyte in page size. .... [read more]

manpageblog released in version 1.1 (2023-11-15):
manpageblog just got released in version 1.1 Version 1.1 comes along with several bug fixes and some new features. Features * Open Graph support (for sharing on social media paltforms) * Logo support in RSS feed Fixes * Validate if option are set from config * Dynamic word-wrap limit now works * Adjusted documentation Now, you can start blogging. More information can be found on manpageblog . Download : manpageblog .... [read more]

manpageblog is now available in the FreeBSD Ports (2023-11-13):
manpageblog can now also be installed by the FreeBSD Ports. Thanks to Stefan E. for pushing manpageblog to the ports . FreeBSD Ports is a system for managing and installing software packages on FreeBSD, a Unix-like operating system. The Ports Collection is a set of makefiles and scripts that simplify the process of compiling and installing third-party software on FreeBSD. .... [read more]

manpageblog released in version 1.0 (2023-11-11):
manpageblog finally got its first release. With version 1.0 a public release is now present. A small, lightweight blog engine written in Python and offers several advantages in a look of a man page (Unix like manual page). Firstly, it provides simplicity and ease of use, making it accessible even for users with limited technical knowledge. The lightweight nature ensures quick installation and minimal resource consumption, making it suitable for various hosting environments. No database is needed at all. Firstly, it provides simplicity and ease of use, making it accessible even for users with limited technical knowledge. The lightweight nature ensures quick installation and minimal resource consumption, making it suitable for various hosting environments. Python's readability and straightforward syntax make the blog engine easy to customize and extend, allowing users to tailor it to their specific needs. Additionally, being Python-based means leveraging a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, enhancing .... [read more]